**BLOG UPDATED WITH TIPS AND PRODUCTS LISTED BELOW THAT HELPED ME A LITTLE BIT….** —————————————————————— This is a blog I wrote midway through my pregnancy as I was experiencing a very weird condition making it near impossible to sleep. Oh goody, sleep deprivation before the baby’s arrival. Anyway, wanted to share as I’d never heard of it and consequently didn’t find anyone else in my…
September 2017 and John and I were heading into our final NHS funded round of IVF. Round number 3. Two frozen embryos left in storage at Create Fertility in St Pauls, London. I’d already taken a 3 month sabbatical from work earlier in 2017 to allow time for a few rounds, the second one ending in the cervical ectopic pregnancy you can read about here.…
Wow. The title of this blog still blows my tiny, sleep deprived mind. But yes, I had a baby. 3 weeks ago. I got pregnant in Sept 2017 after round 3 of IVF. I carried a baby (almost) to term and now she’s out in the world, safe (I mean, ish…we’re new at this!) with me and her daddy. I purposefully kept the whole pregnancy…
“What I would say is, and this is probably the hardest thing to do, is just relax about it. There have been so many people that I’ve known who’ve gone through several rounds of IVF and nothing happens. And when they’ve given up, and gotten on with their lives, it miraculously happens naturally… Sometimes stress itself can have a very negative effect. So try…
So I have decided to do one of those photo challenges that sometimes do the rounds on Instagram. Most of the time I think a big fat MEH to this sort of thing but this one is a subject close to my heart. Actually a bit south of my heart to be more accurate. More around the pelvic area, tangled around my ovaries and a…
Something I’ve struggled with this year is the reality that a full time office job (although I’m lucky to work one day a week from home) is a bit of a sedentary life. I’ve worked in an office set up for years now. Almost 10 years in TV, 2.5 years at a record label (amazing amazingness) and before I went to uni another couple of…
Quick blog this as I’m on the train to work. It’s day 18 of my cycle and all the signs are there to say I’m ovulating. Until a few months back I didn’t get this pesky Mittelschmerz bullshit, but boy, now I do. I’ve been bloated for days now with an uncomfortable sort of mass feeling on the left side, front and back. If my…
I’ve been meaning to press go on this post for a while now. So, acupuncture. One of those things many of us have no idea about how it works. Or if it works. Even those of us that have regular sessions and feel so much calmer and lighter afterwards don’t really know how to communicate the ‘how’ to our friends. I have read a lot…
So, since the capers of the April ectopic pregnancy and going back to work and pulling myself together (caveat: ha! within reason) countless people have told me that I should be a writer. That I should maybe write a book. But I’m like, apart from being honest about the IVF, endometriosis and our cervical ectopic pregnancy, what else is there? I’m pretty sure I don’t…
Today is the last day before I go back to full time work after 3 months off. By the time I post this I’ll probably already be sat at my desk trying to figure out what my login is. Did I achieve what I ultimately dreamed of in this time off? No. See here about that. However, I have for the first time experienced the…