I’m sat here in our little Portuguese garden while John nips out for supplies (nappies, wipes and nappy sacks) because we’ve run low. The baby monitor we’ve borrowed from the resort doesn’t work well outside so I’ve propped it up at the exact threshold of the house and garden while I try and catch some morning sunshine. It’s 10.10am. We’ve been out for breakfast and…
Hokay so here we are again with a further instalment of ‘making it up as I go along’, AKA weaning. Only this time, I am enjoying it more than 3 months ago. Don’t get me wrong, I still have days where I’m like ‘we’ve got NOTHING she can eat in the house, she’s going to STARVE’ and moments where I’m all ‘why oh why am…
Now then, this ain’t no ‘how to’ guide my dears. I, we, are in absolutely no position to push our attempts at trying to get the balance of old life, new life, parenting, earning money, not falling apart on to anyone. However, about a month ago I LOST IT. I was tired, confused, desperate for more help, more love and some food. I was drowning…
10.13am I’m sitting at a table for one in a kitchen cafe attached to a garden centre. Yes, that’s right people. A garden centre. It’s Friday and I have brought myself out for brunch. The table I am at is looking out on to fields. There’s a reserved sign in front of me for someone else to nab this spot from 12.45. So I’ll just…
I’ve been asked a few times to write a blog on this subject so behold everyone, here ‘tis. I get nervous hitting publish on things like this though as I fear I’m adding to the quagmire of ALLLL the opinion that mums face about the choices they make for their little ones. Because amongst all the opinion we can cloud over and sometimes fail to…
I can’t find time to: shower / clean the house / put the washing away / cook healthy meals / eat / drink / food shop / tend to my relationship / rest / sleep That mum over there is: still breastfeeding / so slim so quickly / fresh faced/ coping / reading a book while her baby naps / brave / nailing it That…
Hello and welcome to another round of ‘I don’t know what I’m doing’; a common game we play as parents as our weeny smalls stare up at us expectantly with all the trust in the world. Meanwhile, we peer back with an ‘oh god, I hope this works’ grimace and an ‘oooh this is going to be great!’ sing song. I started writing this blog…
I remember it so clearly. My husband and I were both taking a day out from work back in 2015 and were hanging out in East London at a cafe. Which incidentally, makes us sound much, MUCH cooler than we are. I mean he did have a beard then and everything mind you. Anyway, this was when I took a call from the doctors clinic…
2018 was a big, big year. John turned 40, we moved out and rented a house 10 mins up the road at 6 months pregnant, did a double story house extension, had a (slightly) premature baby that made her worldly appearance while we were on a 3 night mini break in Norfolk that we hadn’t packed a babygro for, navigating a marriage with a mini…
This is a beautiful story of becoming a mother, parents, to a gorgeous baby boy via adoption. Lucy from Hertfordshire also shares some really insightful information about the process here in the UK and you can just feel the unconditional love for her boy spilling out from her writing. —————————————— I always knew I was going to be a mum. From playing mummies and daddies…