Well this is rather nice isn’t it? Days with no schedules or commuter misery. Weekday mooches and allllllll the outdoorsyness and spontaneous dog walks.
Yep, just what the doctor ordered. I’m in my element.
It did get off to a slow start though if I’m honest. The first 2-3 weeks I was completely lost. I felt naughty and sort of couldn’t get going. Then once the old body realised it wasn’t a normal holiday, I found my groove.
The making no money thing is interesting. It’s really making me question how much we really need. I’ve been lucky enough to have a little pot to dip into to cover my half of the mortgage payments and household bills but apart from that I’m still in the dregs of my February salary. When my first paycheque comes through in June I think I’ll look at that in a whole new light. I really enjoyed receiving my first sabbatical payslip through the post though – a big fat ZERO. Why did that feel empowering more than anything else?
So what have I been up to you ask?
- Started a voluntary role as blogger for Dogs on the Streets, or DOTS (www.dotslondon.co.uk). I am SO pleased about this. For ages now I’ve wanted to do something with/for dogs, because I am slightly obsessed with them. But I have no real offering or skills like training or making things for them so I felt redundant. Unless I could call myself ‘expert dog cuddler’ I didn’t know how I could get involved with them. Then I saw a post on the DOTS Instagram about them needing a blogger a few hours a week and I jumped at it. Michelle, the founder, is an unbelievable inspiration. She’s been behind homeless outreach projects for 5 years now before launching Dogs on the Streets – free care for homeless peoples dogs – earlier this year. Had I been at work I might’ve missed this opportunity so I am just so grateful that it popped up when it did and that I can continue to help them out moving forward.
- Been scooting around with husband for a new place to live – we’ve checked out Hitchin and Wheathampstead so far…next stop Epping! The idea is to make some money on the sale of ours and spend less but get more on our next one. More space, more countryside, but still commutable. And not so far away that visiting the family becomes difficult. The search continues and it has its real frustrations. The one in Wheathampstead was unreal for me. Practically in the middle of loads of trees, period property. Then we saw it backed on to a huuuuuge estate and playground. Which when you’re spending a pretty penny is not worth the risk.
- I’ve signed up to an 8 week mindfulness course in the hope that I will then have the pre-requisite for MBSR training
- I’ve completed an online course on Food as Medicine
- I’ve finally visited The Medicine Garden in Cobham for a delicious afternoon of nibbles and deck chair relaxing with my cousin. Clear blue skies and gluten free cake. Thanks very much.
- I’ve SPOKEN to people more. Like my bestie and family. As in verbally.
- I’ve had massages
- I’ve done countless dog walking and discovered new woodland nearby
- Hubby and I have widened our vegan grub expeditions and enjoyed Mooshies in Brick Lane for the best burgers ever…and pizza at Wedge Issue in Clerkenwell.
- I’ve cooked bloody nice dinners and generally had a much better routine in terms of eating throughout the day, making sure I’m hydrated and well nourished.
- I’ve ebayed – well i’m not getting paid am I and just haven’t had time until now to clear loads crap out. It’s therapeutic!
- I went to an amazing Nutritionist near Sloane Square armed with ALL the supplements I’ve been taking recently and she enlightened me to strip back on some and introduce others.
- I’ve been hypnotised
- I’ve literally wandered around aimlessly with no second thoughts about achieving anything in particular in that moment
- I’ve read. I’ve reintroduced fiction into my life for a bit after drowning in self help/development. Currently on The Course of Love by Alain de Botton as recommended by a colleague.
- I’ve written 9,000 words of a book
Coming up…
- This Saturday I’m attending the Health Bloggers Community summit to go learn things and get inspo
- Attending the DOTS Doggy Station on April 30th with the rest of the team
- Bluebell walking mid April/May
- I’d really like a few nights away, just in the UK, with hubby and dog. Recommendations?
- I’ve been asked to go to an ITV team away day by an ex-colleague to talk nothing about work, but loads about Mindfulness in the next two weeks which I am so looking forward to
- Attending a Tedx talk on June 4th in London on Confidence – HUGE fan of Ted so cannot wait
- Looking into a one day silent retreat in the UK – as part of mindfulness training
- Girly day trip to Whitstable
- Midweek trip to Nottingham in May to see Rent with a dear friend
- First of this years weddings the first week of June
- Looking into Qigong or Tai Chi classes
- A friends garden party in May
With around 8 weeks left, I am trying not to panic and cram. But I need to keep mindful of not just staying at home, doing chores – actually really hard to not do!
Hopefully the weather continues.
My one big takeout is that you really don’t need loads of money to have a nice day. You just need the time and clear head to be creative about what you do with it.
Time is the key to a happy life, it really and truly is.
